Thursday, January 24, 2008

Who me??

I was on my way in to work today, taking my usual route, when a truck pulled next to me and sort of hovered. I didn't want to look over, but you know what it's like when someone is watching you and you can feel it. So, I glance over to find a gentlemen waiting for me to look at him. He kindly nodded and then did something I never expected...he saluted me!! At first I was taken by suprise. Why on earth would he salute me?! I began to wonder if I had misread his salute. Did he give me the "other" salute?? was an honest, thankful salute.

Once I realized it was a kind gesture the waterworks began. Just when I needed a little reminder of faith the Lord put one out there to keep me on track. I know in my heart what this sacrifice means. I know that families do it every day and some do it for years and years. Who am I to complain? My husband is home the majority of the time while others spend years away from their loved ones. But I was feeling a little sorry for myself this morning until this gentlemen reminded me to pull up my boot straps and continue to march.

So your probably wondering why on earth this guy would do this out of the blue. Well, I have a magnet on the back of my car that reads:

"Half my heart is in Iraq"

and a USMC emblem on my back windshield. So like the rest of us commuters, he was just sitting in traffic, taking in the sights, and doing whatever he could to pass the time while we hurry up and wait on the roads.

I wish I had realized his act of kindness sooner. I missed the chance to thank him as he took the very next exit and was gone. So-to the guy in the champagne colored Ford truck who saluted me...all my thanks. You have no idea how much your gesture means to me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is so awesome and beautifully written. You got me all teary-eyed too.

Love ya sis.