Friday, May 9, 2008

My little author...

His signed copy stays in the library.
Look at the crowd!

Yesterday we were able to celebrate with Bailey at the Patriot Press Authors Reception. The Patriot Press is a program at Bailey's school that allows students to turn in original manuscripts, then work with a volunteer parent editor through the editing/publishing process. The books are bound into hardcover & are actually available for library checkout until the student graduates from 6th grade.This was Bailey's first year to submit a manuscript....he wrote about a Foohy (which is a popular pencil top character). Super Foohy gets hit by a meteor shower & ends up with all kinds of super powers that allow him to help others! :) Yesterday at the reception all of the authors did a book signing & greeted their fans (for Bailey, it was Libby, Dad, Ashlyn & me). He definitely enjoyed having the spotlight & was very proud of his achievement! (Ashlyn did a book last year....but not this year....although she's FULL of stories!)


Helen said...

That's so cool!!! I would love to read it.

Anonymous said...

yeaaaaaaaaaaaa bailey!!!!!!!!
love u guys and miss u!!!!!!


Unknown said...

He's so creative!