Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Missing Daddy

As most of you know, Dayden and I have a morning and night ritual where we say good morning and good night to Daddy and kiss his picture. We talk to his picture just as if it were him standing right there. I try to make sure he stays fresh in her mind so that he won't seem like a stranger when he gets home. I don't think she will react that way, but just in case...

So this morning I go to wake her up. Typically, she is still asleep and I just speak softly and tell my little angel it's time to rise and shine. Most of the time she is as happy as a bug in a rug and usually asks for Bailey and "Ashen" (Ashlyn) Rae. This morning though, through very sleepy eyes in the sweetest little voice she says...."Mommy, Daddy Iraq..(sigh!)" It was so sweet and so sad all at the same time. I don't know if she was dreaming of Daddy or not, but choose to believe she was. Hopefully it was a wonderful dream and it made her feel like he was home.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

(sniff*sniff) Stop it NOW!