Saturday, April 12, 2008

Final Commute

Well, my last day in Irving was Friday. As I made the last commute I began to think back on the great times I have had working there and how each practice has grown. I started to think about the decision, and while I have always been sure, there was that moment of sadness when you realize that you will not see the same faces every day.

The commute seemed to be a little faster than normal. Maybe everyone took the day off to work on cleaning up the mess the "tornadoes" had caused. Great! A perfect start to my last day. There was lots to do and any extra time would be aprreciated....AAHHH,NO! Over my AM station, yes...AM, came the traffic report. (Did I ever mention that I get the FM stations about 25% of the time?) Accident on west bound George Bush!! Damn it! There was at least a 45 minute backup. Now, I am truly sorry for the motorcylist that was injured in the accident and had to be Care Flighted to the nearest hospital...but really, when I heard that report I knew I had no regrets!!
Can you see the disgust on my face??


Marla said...

Robert was stuck in the same traffic. Glad your commute will be better now.

Helen said...

Nice pic!