Thursday, September 4, 2008

On the way there...

Checking out the airplane.

I would kiss the person who invented the portable DVD player. This little contraption entertained her for the entire flight.

We were quite the sight. I had luggage hanging off me, a backpack hanging off me, I was pushing Dayden in her umbrella stroller and one of my arms entangled in her car seat. Mom had my bag (which weighed in at a whoppin' 64 lbs) and her luggage as well. Once we completed the self service check-in we had to check my one big suitcase. We were determined not to check anything else because paying for checked luggage is just plain wrong. Well, once I was told I had to either a) remove at least 10 lbs or, b) pay $50 extra dollars, I somehow found room in my carry ons. The gentleman at the counter was very kind, and waited patiently as I rearranged my way too many items.
Security was just a nasty nightmare. Thankfully some kind woman working security noticed I had a child in a stroller and informed me I could go thru a designated line-for strollers-which in my haste to get this trip started I completely missed. Can you say NIGHTMARE? I felt like what cows must go thru when being herded into a trailer. Constant yelling and tons of pressure. People just stared liked they had never seen a woman and child go thru security at the airport before. Jesus, Mary and Joseph!!
Once we made it thru we had to walk a bizzillion miles to our gate. Thankfully a couple was headed the same direction and saw the calamity that one man said was "quite entertaining" and offered to carry some of our bags and made the long haul to our gate much easier. (Shall I simply say that I spouted to the "one man", as he laughed and passed us up with his nice suit and little bitty girly bag, "chivlary is dead". My husband would never, ever just pass by without helping anyone in my situation.) Anyway, the couple was extremely nice and Dayden talked and talked to them the whole way to our gate.


Helen said...
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Helen said...

Jerk! Must not have been from Texas.

Mommy said...

Wow - you sound like me ... I just got back from the airport last night with 2 kids in tow .... some people are so kind and others are such boobs!!!!!
The DVD player is one of theh greatest inventions ... EVER.