Monday, September 15, 2008

Kids Birthdays and update...

Ashlyn turned 9 in August and Bailey turned 11 at the beginning of September. Daylee and Jordan share the same birthday in September and they are now 12 and 18. I missed the first day of school. (I was in Chicago) I think it was way more disappointing for me than it was for them. Libby took pics of the first day so I can post those later...maybe!!

We have been so busy since David got home. No, not running around seeing dear old friends and catching up with family. Not at all...we've been working!!

Since I took a week and a half off to go see him in Chicago I decided it would be best to spread out the rest of my days off with my work schedule. While I've been at work, David has pulled the oleanders out of the front yard since they are very toxic to children and pets. He has completely ripped out our fence and has started to build a new one.

Picket by picket.

He has worked in the yard and...last weekend we had 5 of our 6 kids. This was the first time he has seen Daylee and Dacie since Christmas so he vowed to do nothing but enjoy our children. On Saturday we added two more little girls to the mix so that made 7. David took us all to the park to feed the ducks and let the kids burn off some energy.

Those kids had a-lot-of-energy...

I have pics of everything I mentioned-so those will come later. (I promise!!..well, maybe.)


Helen said...

New post! :) I was tired of seeing those Baluga whales.

Gina said...

I mom emailed the same comment!!!

Anonymous said...

That's funny! I was also pleasantly surprised - I know you have been busy! I'll try to send "off to camp" pics to you tonight!