Here is a brief, unofficial update from David on the work he and the Marines are doing in Iraq:
We are employing local nationals on base as kind of a clean up crew.
We are continuously seeking out and destroying bad guys.
We do whats called combined medical engagement (CME) in the towns for families to seek and receive free medical assistance. (not a pretty sight)
We also provide chow (food) for the neighborhoods and needy families. (EVERYONE)
We meet and greet with the Sheiks and different tribal leaders.
We provide the local govt with force protection issues.
We work with Iraqi Army (IA) and Police (IP) closely to train and form some kind of infrastructure so we can turn over this country, SOMEDAY.
We are continuously seeking out and destroying bad guys.
We do whats called combined medical engagement (CME) in the towns for families to seek and receive free medical assistance. (not a pretty sight)
We also provide chow (food) for the neighborhoods and needy families. (EVERYONE)
We meet and greet with the Sheiks and different tribal leaders.
We provide the local govt with force protection issues.
We work with Iraqi Army (IA) and Police (IP) closely to train and form some kind of infrastructure so we can turn over this country, SOMEDAY.
Has David mentioned yet what we might send to him to help those families in need? We'd love to help!
Keep up the good work! I appreciate your sacrafices!!
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