Thursday, February 7, 2008

No junk in the trunk here...

For those of you who know me personally, you know that I suffer from a not-so-rare genetic disease known as Noassatall Disease. Oh yes, you can look way down my geneology line and see that this disease has its thumbprint all over my DNA (thanks Dad).

Now I know most of you must think I am crazy for complaining, but really? who is happy with their bodies?? I have tried my entire life to gain a nice backside. I have begged for hips, prayed for nice arms, and all but bought panties with built in pads to improve my "tiny hiney". I just knew that having babies would improve my boyish figure...and guess what?? No luck (sigh)! And I am not even going to mention my Praying Mantis arms...

SO! I have decided to actually (ahem) go to the gym that takes it's dues from my small little bank account each month. Yep, I am working out!! But I feel the pain. How can my tiny little hiney have such major pain?

We'll see how it goes. Hopefully I'll update in a few months that I finally got some junk in the trunk...and not my car trunk!!

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