Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Our Little Angel has decided it's rather fun to take off her socks, pants, shirt, wings, halo and her diaper, at nap time. Now, she knows better. She has tried this at home and we nipped that fairly quickly, but Granny (sitter) isn't as strict as Mommy. This is not the first time I've heard of her exhibitionism but this time she was really a stinker. Umm...I really do mean STINKER!!

She decided to leave a small token for Granny in her crib today...more than once. Now, she will be 19 months in about a week...and potty training is going well...but I KNOW she knows that "poo poo goes in the 'polly'( potty)" because we talk about it all-of-the-time. Poor Granny! How on earth do I get this little girl to stop taking all of her clothes off? I know it's a phase and I have 2 older children who I'm sure did this too. But really, I don't remember this phase so well...so if you have any ideas PLEASE send them my way!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOL! I've heard of a number of alternatives but the two that might work are: onesies over the diaper and, believe it or not, diaper on backwards (with or without plastic panties over it). EEeuuuwwww is right! Good luck!